Reliance Animation Academy Krishnarajapuram Offers:
Master Program in Game Design, Advanced Program in Web Design & UI/UX,
Advanced Program in Motion Graphics, Certificate Program in Motion Graphics Pro, Certificate Program in Graphics Pro,
Certificate Program in Digital Photography Pro.
The Master’s Program in Game Design at Reliance Animation Academy Krishnarajapuram is a comprehensive 24-months journey into the world of Game design. Designed for individuals who want to explore into interactive storytelling, character design, and cutting-edge game development technologies, this course offers a broad range of skills and knowledge in the field of Game design.
The Advanced Program in Web Design & UI/UX at Reliance Animation Academy Krishnarajapuram is a comprehensive 12 months transformative journey into the world of Web Design UI/UX. Designed for individuals who want to deep dive into the art and science of user-centric design, mastering industry-leading tools , methodologies, User Interface and mastering the art of creating seamless digital interactions. This course offers a broad range of skills and knowledge in the field of Web Design UI/UX.
The Master’s Program in Game Design at Reliance Animation Academy Krishnarajapuram is a comprehensive 24-months journey into the world of Game design. Designed for individuals who want to explore into interactive storytelling, character design, and cutting-edge game development technologies, this course offers a broad range of skills and knowledge in the field of Game design.